Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Introduction to a new Blog to accompany the Trilogy "Lotus Petals"

Introduction by the author for the novel Lotus Petals: by Elizabeth Ann Fenton

It was early on a Saturday morning when I heard my cell phone beep.  Checking to see if it was an inquiry for my morning yoga class, I was taken aback to discover an official alert message for a ballistic missile threat.  Honestly, my first thought was, I’ve had a lovely morning so far and enjoyed a cup of coffee, so it is tolerable to go now.  Next, is this for real?  Then I had a weird feeling like I was part of something huge, and at first, as the adrenaline spiked, it felt exciting in a morbid way, like watching a car accident at full impact.  Then I was angry. Why would such a message be sent?  Eventually, the voice of reason kicked in, and I became more logical deciding it must be a mistake because there were no sirens and no media reports. I decided to go about my day, yet my subconscious mind kept busy trying to sort out what happened, and as a result, I felt agitated all week, if not all month.  Still chewing on it in the back of my mind I developed the idea that the explanation is metaphysical. And then I felt compelled to write a book.
I wish to clarify that my novel, “Lotus Petals” was inspired by a real-life event, but it is a work of fiction.  I do not know the employee who was responsible for sending the false alert.   I do, however, feel deep empathy for him and the trauma he experienced along with the rest of us.   I was intrigued by how people reacted, myself included.  I think there is a lot to learn from this episode about consciousness.  It became apparent by the multitude of reactions that the truth lies in the perception of the witness.  I want to create a story that offers a way to make sense of the senseless and awaken people to the realization that through the Law of One, we are all responsible for everything that happens on this beautiful planet Earth.  There is not one person or event that doesn’t affect another.  I wrote this novel in three different realities (timelines) to illustrate how consciousness might alter actualities in a multiverse.  Any given moment is a chance to uplift.

It was reported after the fact, that the false alarm was due to an employee “hitting the wrong button.”  The explanation of  “hitting the wrong button,” never rang true to me.  The employee in question later went on record to say; he did not hit the wrong button.  He truly believed there was a threat.  The officially recognized cause of the incident is  “human error.”  I would agree that this was a human error, but not a mistake of one employee or even his organization, but all humanity.  The human error is that we have created weapons of mass destruction and that humans continue to fear and blame each other, leaving all of humanity at risk of annihilation. 

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